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My Camelot journey

Greetings adventurer!

I am Lady Antiva, the new Makidon Guildmaster, recently promoted from being a Senior High Guildman (a too masculine term in my view). I live in Camelot city, and play a crucial role in chronicling various lore of Bretunia.  Hence, I have been bestowed the honor as being the co-author of 'The Book of Lore', deputy to Porthios, the Loremaster.

My Work

I am entrusted with the Guild Fellowship Staff, a tall slender rod of gold metal, encrusted with complex runes, impeccably carved, some small enough to cover with a finger yet more complex than a spider’s web. The top of the Staff is curled into a fanciful hook, a symbol of unity and brotherhood. 


I have since chronicled a number of manuscripts documenting the journey of Camelot since the death of King Arthur.  These are available on amazon.com kindle.  Some of the titles are listed above.  Please check out my books at:


I am a great long-distance runner and there are still many places I want to visit and even more to which I want to return. When the war with Morgana is over, I shall do just that.  Meanwhile, I invite you to write to me as a fellow reader or adventurer at ladyantiva@gmail.com where we can exchange notes over an ale !

Mercenaries also abound in the realm of Bretunia. You can find me on Facebook at: http://www.facebook.com/ArmourofLight

I'll be waiting for you!


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